Niobrara National Scenic River - ONeill NEHomeRecreationAttractionsSportsSearch

Niobrara National Scenic River
ONeill, NE 68763

This 76-mile reach of the Niobrara River in northcentral Nebraska was added to the nation's Wild and Scenic River System in 1991. The river is swift and shallow over much of its length, cutting through bedrock forming riffles, rapids and waterfalls. The Scenic River preserves a superb example of a Great Plains river and protects a unique ecological crossroads where six distinct ecosystems and their associated flora and fauna mix, some at or beyond their normal geographic limit.

The western third of the Scenic River is home to over ninety waterfalls -- highest is Smith Falls that cascades seventy feet from a Sand Hills cliff.

Many locally-owned ranches are found along the river retaining the valley's rural flavor, yet much of its wild character is preserved. Wildlife abounds: animals such as white-tailed deer, coyote, beaver, mink, bull snakes, soft-shelled turtles, turkeys, herons, and sandpipers are commonly sighted.

Enjoyed by tens of thousands of canoeists yearly, the upper reach of the Niobrara is noted as one of the country's outstanding canoeing rivers. A portion flows through a federally designated wilderness.

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Plane - Nearest Major Airports in Rapid City SD (220 miles), Denver, CO (391 miles)and Omaha, NE (300 miles)

Car - Valentine is 76 miles south of I-90 on Hwy 83; or 130 miles north of I-80 on Hwy 83

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Niobrara National Scenic River
Niobrara National Scenic River

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Water Sports
Wildlife Viewing